North Cape Coastal Drive
National Historic Site, Museum, Heritage Building
Eileen Oulton Genealogy Centre
457 Church Street, Alberton, PE
Repository of the Eileen Oulton collection, divided into 15 series: Photographs; Genealogy; Interviews; Local Histories; Folk Songs; Diaries; Newspaper articles written by Eileen Oulton; Newspaper articles; Royal Canadian Legion, Tignish Branch #6 Monthly Bulletin; Heritage Foundation newsletters; Alberton and Area Churches; Artifact and photo ledgers; Shipping Casualties and notes on ships; P.E.I. Railway Stations; and Miscellaneous. The Genealogy Series includes genealogical cards organized by family name, family genealogical charts, obituaries, Catholic Church records, Cemetery records, and other various finding aids.
Seasonal: June-Sept, Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Admission by donation.