Genealogy center

North Cape Coastal Drive
National Historic Site, Museum, Heritage Building

Eileen Oulton Genealogy Centre

457 Church Street, Alberton, PE  

Repository of the Eileen Oulton collection, divided into 15 series: Photographs; Genealogy; Interviews; Local Histories; Folk Songs; Diaries; Newspaper articles written by Eileen Oulton; Newspaper articles; Royal Canadian Legion, Tignish Branch #6 Monthly Bulletin; Heritage Foundation newsletters; Alberton and Area Churches; Artifact and photo ledgers; Shipping Casualties and notes on ships; P.E.I. Railway Stations; and Miscellaneous. The Genealogy Series includes genealogical cards organized by family name, family genealogical charts, obituaries, Catholic Church records, Cemetery records, and other various finding aids.

Seasonal: June-Sept, Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Admission by donation.